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Naval Mine
Naval mines are explosive devices specifically designed for deployment in water to deter, damage, or destroy enemy ships, submarines, or underwater infrastructure. Either anchored to the seafloor or free-floating, naval mines are equipped with sensors or triggers that activate the explosive charge upon contact or proximity with a vessel.
Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ)
NEQ is the amount of explosive material in a device or storage facility. The NEQ considers the explosive power of the material and is used to determine safety regulations, storage requirements, transportation restrictions, and other safety considerations. It is essential to ensure the safe handling, storage, and transportation of explosives to minimise the risk of accidents or unauthorised use.
Non-Technical Survey (NTS)
The first stage of mine clearance operations, non-technical surveys, aim to identify, access, collect, report, and use information to discover where mines/ERW are. They are also used to identify Suspected Hazardous Areas (SHA) and Confirmed Hazardous Areas (CHA) where further investigation or clearance may be required.