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Mine Risk Area (MRA)

MRA is an area identified as contaminated with landmines or UXO, requiring clearance or other risk mitigation measures to protect civilians.


A complete device charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition, or nuclear, biological, or chemical material for use in military operations, including demolitions.

Munroe Effect

The Munroe Effect is a hydrodynamic phenomenon utilised in various explosive applications, including anti-tank weapons, demolition charges, EOD tools and perforating devices. It occurs when a shaped explosive charge is detonated, typically with a conical or hemispherical cavity lined with a metallic material. The detonation wave collapses the liner, forming a high-velocity, focused jet capable of penetrating solid targets, leveraging this controlled collapse to generate a highly focused and penetrating jet of material.

Naval Mine

Naval mines are explosive devices specifically designed for deployment in water to deter, damage, or destroy enemy ships, submarines, or underwater infrastructure. Either anchored to the seafloor or free-floating, naval mines are equipped with sensors or triggers that activate the explosive charge upon contact or proximity with a vessel.

Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ)

NEQ is the amount of explosive material in a device or storage facility. The NEQ considers the explosive power of the material and is used to determine safety regulations, storage requirements, transportation restrictions, and other safety considerations. It is essential to ensure the safe handling, storage, and transportation of explosives to minimise the risk of accidents or unauthorised use.

Non-Technical Survey (NTS)

The first stage of mine clearance operations, non-technical surveys, aim to identify, access, collect, report, and use information to discover where mines/ERW are. They are also used to identify Suspected Hazardous Areas (SHA) and Confirmed Hazardous Areas (CHA) where further investigation or clearance may be required. 


Overpressure refers to the increase in pressure caused by the detonation of explosives, measured in pounds per square inch (psi).


Piezoelectric describes a material property where mechanical stress (pressure or strain) generates an electric charge, and conversely, an applied electric field induces mechanical deformation. This property is utilised in various applications, including sensors and actuators, and notably, in explosive technology, where piezoelectric materials can be used in detonators and other initiation systems.

Plastic Explosives

A type of malleable high-explosive material, plastic explosives are composed of a mixture of explosive compounds, plasticisers, and stabilisers, resulting in a pliable and versatile substance. Unlike traditional explosives, which are often granular or powdery, plastic explosives are shaped and formed to fit specific needs, such as fitting into tight spaces or sticking to surfaces. Due to their flexibility and stability, plastic explosives are used in various military applications, such as demolition, sabotage, and explosive ordnance disposal. They are also used in civilian contexts for construction, mining, and controlled demolitions. Notable examples of plastic explosives include C-4 and Semtex.

Primary Explosive

A primary explosive is a highly sensitive material easily initiated by a relatively small amount of energy, such as heat, shock, or friction. It is typically used to initiate a larger, less sensitive secondary explosive.


Pyrotechnics is the science and art of using self-contained, self-sustaining exothermic chemical reactions to produce heat, light, gas, sound, and/or smoke for various effects and applications.

Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

Crewless underwater vehicles operated remotely by a team or individual, ROVs are used for numerous tasks in underwater environments that may be impractical, dangerous, or impossible for humans to go.

Render Safe

Render Safe involves systematically applying specialised procedures to disrupt the operational mechanisms of a hazardous item, such as an explosive device or ordnance. This process aims to eliminate the potential for detonation or other hazardous effects by disabling critical components and breaking the chain of events required for functionality.

Render Safe Procedure (RSP)

The step-by-step process of making an explosive device safe without causing it to detonate.

Secondary Explosive

A secondary explosive is a relatively insensitive explosive material that requires a significant energy input, typically from a primary explosive, to initiate detonation. Due to its stability and higher energy output, it is used as the main charge in most explosive applications.

Seismic Monitoring

Seismic monitoring uses sensors to measure ground vibrations produced by explosive demolition.

Shaped Charge

Shaped charges are explosive devices designed to focus the energy of an explosion in a specific direction or shape. Consisting of an explosive material arranged in a conical or hemispherical shape, typically with a metal liner or casing shaped to concentrate the explosive force, when shaped charges detonate, the explosive energy is directed inward toward a central point, creating a high-velocity jet of hot gases and molten metal. This jet can efficiently penetrate armour, concrete, or other materials. Shaped charges are used in military applications for anti-tank operations and in industrial settings for cutting or piercing thick materials. They can be tailored to specific targets or applications, requiring precise engineering and careful design to achieve the desired effect.

Standoff Distance

The standoff distance is the designated safe distance from an explosive device or hazardous area to minimise the risk of injury from detonation.


Tamping is the packing of inert material around an explosive charge to direct the force of the explosion.

Technical Survey (TS)

A detailed assessment of suspected hazardous areas using specialised equipment and techniques to confirm the presence of landmines and ERW before mine clearance operations begin.

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)

Military munitions that have been deployed but failed to explode as intended. UXO can include bombs, grenades, artillery shells, and other explosive devices.

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) is a specialised unit within the UN Department of Peace Operations responsible for coordinating and implementing the UN’s mine action strategy to mitigate the humanitarian and development consequences of landmines and other explosive hazards. Its activities include survey, clearance, risk education, victim assistance, stockpile destruction, and advocacy for the universalisation of relevant international treaties. Through its comprehensive approach, UNMAS strives to create safer environments, enabling sustainable development and the return of displaced populations to their communities.

UXO Clearance

UXO Clearance is the systematic process of locating, identifying, and rendering safe or removing Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) from a defined area. This process mitigates the risks posed by UXO to personnel, infrastructure, and the environment and typically involves a combination of survey, detection, excavation, and disposal techniques.

UXO Survey

A UXO survey is a critical step in managing unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk. It involves systematically applying geophysical and geospatial techniques to accurately identify, locate, and map potential UXO contamination within a defined area. This process may include desktop studies, historical research, non-intrusive surveys (using magnetometers, EM, and GPR), and intrusive investigations. Operators analyze the resulting data to create detailed maps and risk assessments, which they then use to develop appropriate mitigation strategies. These strategies include clearance, avoidance, or other risk management measures.

Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)

A VBIED is an improvised explosive device that is delivered in a vehicle. This method may have been chosen for a combination of factors, including the ability to deliver a greater mass more quickly and with a lower chance of detection. In addition to the device itself, the glass and metal of the vehicle will create shrapnel hazards. There is no lower limit to the weight of explosives needed for classification as a VBIED.

Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI)

Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI) refers to the intelligence gathered from processes and capabilities that collect, exploit, and analyze asymmetric threat weapon systems. This intelligence enables material sourcing, supports prosecutions, protects forces, and targets threat networks.

Wireless Detonator

Wireless detonators are triggered remotely without the need for physical wiring.

X-Ray Inspection

An examination technique that uses X-ray technology to inspect structures for hidden weaknesses before demolition.


Yield refers to the energy released by an explosive charge – generally measured in tons of TNT equivalent.

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