Bangalore Blade

An operator clearing razor wire entanglement with Bangalore Blade
An operator configures Alford Bangalore Blade linear explosively formed projectile (EFP)
A razor wire obstruction cleared by Alford Bangalore Blade
Alford Bangalore Blade in position against a razor wire obstruction
Alford Bangalore Blade kit components
An operator clearing razor wire entanglement with Bangalore Blade
An operator configures Alford Bangalore Blade linear explosively formed projectile (EFP)
A razor wire obstruction cleared by Alford Bangalore Blade
Alford Bangalore Blade in position against a razor wire obstruction
Alford Bangalore Blade kit components

The Bangalore Blade™ is a game-changing, modern replacement for the Bangalore Torpedo. Configured as a linear explosively formed projectile (EFP) array, it can cut wire obstacles, including razor wire, which conventional Bangalore Torpedos cannot effectively breach.  The Bangalore Blade™ system is a lightweight Anti-Obstacle and General Explosive Engineering Charge designed to be used like the original Bangalore Torpedo but with several advantages over the original design. These benefits include a cutting action in addition to a blasting effect.  In trials, the Bangalore Blade cleared a 10m path through triple-razor wire. In comparison, the original Bangalore Torpedo only managed a 3m path.  Bangalore Blade is supplied in 0.5m lengths that connect without tools to form the required length and can be provided either as a user-filled or factory-filled charge.

Incorporates both modern shaped charge and blasting technology

Highly effective explosive effect with a low NEQ

Lightweight construction

Can be user-filled or factory pre-filled

A shorter length allows for greater tactical flexibility

Explosive Load and Performance

The Bangalore Blade provides the same explosive load as the original Bangalore Torpedo, providing the same amount of blast to push the severed wire apart.

It is available as either a user-filled or a factory-filled charge. The factory-filled version comes with FPX V40 explosive from Forcit Defence, which conforms to Insensitive Munition Standard STANAG 4439.

In trials conducted with two identical triple razor wire entanglements erected between steel pickets, the original Bangalore Torpedo cleared a 3m path. In contrast, the Bangalore Blade Factory-filled version completely cleared a 10m path through the same wire.

Deployment to Target

The Bangalore Blade is a multi-patterned linear EFP charge in which multiple cutting “blades” are formed. These blades travel outwards radially, severing obstacles in their path. The blast from the explosive charge clears the obstacles, leaving a path through the structure for the foot soldier to pass.


Operator safety is essential to the design of all Alford Technologies equipment. The charge body is made from extruded aluminium, which has excellent cutting performance at short range but loses momentum rapidly and has limited range, making it inherently safer to use.


Factory-filled User-filled (BT2902)
Components 12 x 0.5m lengths; 10 x couplings; 2 x nose cones; 5 x shocktube systems 50m 12 x 0.5m lengths; 4 x couplings; 2 x nose cones
Dimensions (H x W x L) 40 x 40 x 500 mm 40 x 40 x 500 mm
Filled weight 1250g 1250g
Bangalore tube weight 500g 500g
Main charge explosive filling FPX V40 (weight 750g) Military plastic explosive of your choice
Package weight 25kg 9kg
Package dimensions (H x W x L) 300 x 340 x 590 mm 180 x 160 x 1020 mm
NEQ 750g per 0.5m unit 750g per 0.5m unit
Box NEQ 9kg nil
Hazard division 1.1D n/a

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