
VBIED defeated by Alford BootBanger explosive charge
Alford BootBanger positioned beneath a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
An ROV positioning Alford BootBanger against a VBIED
An operator deploys BootBanger by ROV
Alford BootBanger water-tamped explosive charge
VBIED defeated by Alford BootBanger explosive charge
Alford BootBanger positioned beneath a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
An ROV positioning Alford BootBanger against a VBIED
An operator deploys BootBanger by ROV
Alford BootBanger water-tamped explosive charge

BootBanger™ is one of the most trusted and successfully used water-tamped explosive charges by IEDD operators worldwide. Its reputation was burnished further by the essential role it played in countering the Vehicle-Borne IED threat in Iraq. BootBanger™ uses a patented technology to project a jet of water which penetrates and ejects the contents of a boot/trunk.  Two containers, a tamper and a projectile, fit together, sandwiching the sheet explosive or detonating cord charge.  The tool is provided empty and can be loaded with explosives and water by the user.

Highly efficient explosive-to-water ratio

Superior engineering to enhance product accuracy

Easy to load and deploy

Operationally proven

Explosive Load and Performance

Typically, BootBanger™ is loaded with sheet explosive or detonating cord. Using 10g/metre detonating cord, a typical load might be 250g of explosive, enough to remove up to five artillery projectiles from a car’s boot.
The charge may be stored pre-loaded and pre-filled for extended periods, enabling rapid deployment.
When you fire the charge, the projected water penetrates the floor or sides of the vehicle, ejecting and disrupting any devices or components in the load-carrying area. Water tamping reduces the overpressure, and the explosive charge container delivers next to zero fragmentation. The geometry of the charge container is such that it focuses the jet effect directly to the target. The water tamping also suppresses the flash of the explosion, significantly reducing the probability of igniting the vehicle fuel tank.

Deployment to Target

With a depth of just 110mm, you can easily deploy BootBanger™ under a car, even with deflated tyres. Two lugs on each end of the disruptor allow a pair of prongs attached to a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to carry the product to the target, deposit it and withdraw, leaving the charge in place.
Operators can manually deploy BootBanger using the carrying handle, which also serves as an additional deployment mechanism for ROVs.


Dimensions 460 x 340 x 110 mm
Weight when filled 16kg
Water capacity 13.8L
NEQ 250g single layer of 10g/m detcord; 225g/mm of sheet explosive (C1); 450g C2; 700g SX4

Please note: multiple layers of sheet explosive can be used to give heavier loads if required.

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