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The Conventional Munitions Disposal (CMD) Kit provides Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams with a comprehensive selection of user-filled…
Cable Reel holds 30m of twisted wire firing cable and fixes firmly to steel structures
Breaching Kit provides a comprehensive selection of explosive charges for EMoE and explosive breaching tasks
Bottler™ is an economical water-jacketed omnidirectional disruptor that is simple to deploy
BootBanger™ is one of the most trusted and successfully used water-tamped explosive charges by IEDD operators worldwide. Its…
The Bangalore Blade is a game-changing, modern replacement for the Bangalore Torpedo
AlphaMod™ is a powerful, compact, lightweight, and low NEQ assault IED disruptor that incorporates high-performance water-shaped charge technology. …
Alford Strip™ is a high-efficiency tamped strip charge to split wooden doors and windows, cut laminated glass, and breach uPVC doors
The WindowBreaker™ is a single-shot explosive window breaker designed to gain access to vehicles with minimal shock and…
Squid Tape™ is a silicone-based, non-sticky, non-adhesive, self-amalgamating tape
Split Screw can provide an effective way of securing the detonator into the charge
Rover Stand is a versatile stand for use with DemiMod and MiniMod charges to enhance aiming and accuracy of your charging setup
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